3’s class: T|Th 8:30 - 11 a.m.
4’s class: M|W|F 8:30 - 11 a.m.
Pre-K class: M|T|W|Th 12 - 2:45 p.m.
A child must be 3 years of age by September 1st to enter the 3’s class or 4 by September 1st to enter the 4’s class. Pre-K is up to the discretion of the teacher based on the development level of the child.
All children must be toilet trained before entering school.
We have a secondary enrollment period in January for the 3’s class when our teacher opens up a few spots. Your child must be 3 years old to enroll at that time.
At the time of registration, a registration fee of $100 is due. The registration fee is non-refundable.
You may drop off your completed registration forms and the appropriate fee in the mail slot on the front door at the school. You may also send the completed registration forms with appropriate fee by mail to:
Oregon City Preschool
ATTN: Registrar
517 Jefferson Street
Oregon City, OR, 97045

Tuition & fees
3’s class: $175 per month
4’s class: $225 per month
Pre-K: $325 per month
At the time of registration, a non-refundable fee of $100 is due to hold your spot.
Two fees are due prior to the start of the school year:
$200 start-up fee: covers the cost of field trips, preschool t-shirt, and supplies
$100 participation deposit is refundable based on full participation
There is a 5% discount given if the full year’s tuition is paid by the first day of class.
If multiple children from the same immediate family, the oldest child pays full tuition, all subsequent children will have a 30% discount.
Parent involvement
Our preschool works with the help of all of our parents.
Parents co-op a few times a month, acting as a helper in the classroom with guidance from the teachers. There are also a limited number of spots for families that are unable to co-op. Please discuss this with our registrar to find out more information.
Each family has a parent job ranging from serving on our board of directors to planning fundraisers to helping deep clean our school a few times per school year.
We have a few mandatory fundraisers each year to help fund our operational costs. These will be discussed at the school-wide parent orientation in August.
Please refer to our handbook for additional information.